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Fungal toenails

Fungal toenails 

Fungal toenails or onychomycosis is a discoloration and thickening of the toenail caused by fungus, mold, or even bacteria. It is present in 2-3% of the population with the most common source of contamination coming from the patients' own skin.

Who has it?

20% of people between the ages of 40 to 60 have onychomycosis

32% of 60-70 year-olds have nail fungus

50% of patients over 70 years of age are diagnosed with onychomycosis

What's the big deal?

Many people who have this infection exhibit psychosocial concerns. These people face the dilemma of not being able to go to the swimming pool, public shower areas or even wear open-toed sandals without feeling embarrassed. Patients can experience pain and discomfort with onychomycosis, some have ingrown toenails. The pain is intense enough to have these patients miss 1.8 days of work on average over a six-month period.


Traditional topical therapies used alone are generally ineffective for clearing the primary infection, and even oral therapy is associated with a high rate of initial treatment failure or recurrence. We usually take a biopsy of the toenail to find what the source of infection is many times fungal nails are caused by bacteria or mold spores and not fungus at all. I usually recommend a combination of oral(pills) and topical therapy for the treatment of choice. Click here to schedule your appointment with us!


Dr Lauren Reed Dr. Lauren Reed is a specialized doctor in the treatment of foot and ankle ailments. She is one of the greatest in her treatment of ingrown toenails and making them as painless as possible, according to many. Dr. Lauren began her medical training at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Pennsylvania in 2008. She completed her training on the Main Line at Bryn Mawr Residency program. Dr. Lauren is also board certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. She specializes in foot ulcerations, diabetic foot wounds, trauma to the foot and ankle, and many other foot problems.

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